The P&C is currently seeking new members! If you would like to join, please complete a membership form and drop it in the P&C box in the front office along with your 50c membership fee. Alternatively, if you don’t want to join the P&C but do have some time to help out with the odd P&C activity or event, we’d love to hear from you! Please complete this short form with your details, and to give us an idea of the type of thing you would be most interested in helping with. Thank you.
PBPS P&C is a group of parents and community members who are dedicated to supporting the students of PBPS. The P&C organises many activities and events and also raises funds to provide additional resources for the students. Whilst our school population is considered relatively small we have a large percentage of families involved with the P&C either directly as members or as P&C helpers.
This all helps to foster the fantastic community spirit that we are renowned for, here at Pickering Brook Primary School. In recent years the P&C has run tuck shop days, morning teas, raffles, Milo mornings, icy pole Fridays, discos, teddy bears picnics and more! The P&C also operates the uniform shop.
Parents of students and the community have always supported the school, since its inception in 1915 to the current day. Whilst the name of this group of parents may have changed over the years they have always had a long history of supporting the students of PBPS and thereby the community of Pickering Brook. The P&C is a very welcoming group who encourage all school community members to come along to meetings and events and support your children and their school.
The 2021 P&C committee consists of office bearers who have taken on their roles with great enthusiasm. The entire school community is represented on the committee with parent members from both the junior and senior areas, and each class in the school has a class representative who is a point of contact between parents and the committee.